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"Grief Recovery is about taking back control of your life and healing your heart.
Not about condoning or ignoring what has happened."

Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist
Yoga Instructor

Fitness & Nutrition Expert


All my services are offered online!



I am dedicated to helping people recover from traumatic emotional loss,

then guiding them towards building healthy holistic habits for long term weight loss & health,

along with teaching techniques for safe and fun exercising, mindfulness, and relaxation practices. 

My mission for all my clients is inner peace, wisdom, confidence, stress reduction, and happiness.

I believe nothing can stop you from living your best and most powerful life, you just need the right action steps to make it possible.


Release the Burden of Grief
Let go of your Weight Loss Struggles
Increase your Self Love & Compassion


Meaningful Collaborations

I’m committed to all of my clients by providing professional consulting services tailored to their needs. I believe in forming strong partnerships and am proud of my growing client portfolio. Take a look at the list below to learn more about my clientele.


Yoga & Grief Recovery

"This program has allowed me to start unpacking the pain I have been holding onto for far too long. I felt like a tremendous weight had been lifted. I will be recommending this to everyone I know, because I don't want to see anymore of the people I care about to be held back by the pain of loss."


In order to reach your greatest potential, you must first get out of your own way. 

About Kayla

There is so much to say about myself it's obviously impossible to put it all into a small paragraph on this page. 

Of course, we all have big stories that are worth sharing, and I want to hear yours! That's why I do what I do.

But, a few things, I'm a mother and homeschooler, an aspiring performing artist, a yoga and fitness enthusiast, and I love food!

A small part of my story, I lost my mother very suddenly and tragically when I was 8 years old. I held on to a lot of guilt and grief for years, which held me back from being able to live life fully.

I found a great passion for helping people with their fitness and nutritional goals, however, I have learned that there is so much more to be gained from healing your heart.

 After going through Grief Recovery myself I knew I needed to share this healing process, so now that's what I do too!

I am no longer weighted down by the weight of my losses, and traumas, and I want the same for every one else I can help.

I look forward to meeting you.

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If you are struggling to release your grief & trauma, get control of your eating habits, or just want to learn the best and most effective ways on improving yourself physically...

Take the first scary step and reach out to me personally.

All consultations are FREE.

Don't waste any more time, it is your most valuable resource and it is limited.

Time DOES NOT heal all wounds!

You can only "stay strong" for so long; you will inevitably burn out! 
I want so much more for you.

At least check out my FREE resources in the Free Stuff Tab.

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